Back up your Microsoft 365
Back up your personal cloud accounts and apps. Back up your Microsoft 365 to Amazon S3 or some other storage (Box, Dropbox, etc.).Trusted by more than 3000 organizations.

Migrate to Microsoft 365
Easily migrate large amount data to Microsoft 365 OneDrive or SharePoint
Migrate all accounts from Box, Dropbox, etc.
Use real time sync to keep your old storage for failover.

Sync Other Clouds With Your Microsoft 365
Sync Dropbox, Box, Google Drive with Microsoft Microsoft 365.
Collaboration is improved and files are protected.Trusted by more than 3000 organizations.
Improve Microsoft 365
Email Templates, Save Emailst to PDF for Microsoft Microsoft 365.
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Integrate Dropbox and Google Drive with Microsoft 365
Integrate other cloud storage platforms such as: Dropbox for Business, Box Enterprise, Egnyte, Google Drive and Google Gmail; with Microsoft Microsoft 365.
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Real Time File and Email Protection
Backup and consolidate all your cloud apps to a central cloud storage like Sharepoint or Amazon S3. No data will be lost, while being under your control.
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Backup, Sync and Migrate for Microsoft 365
Backup your Microsoft 365
80% of all data loss is caused by human error. So even if your files and emails are in the cloud, they can be still easily accidentally or maliciously deleted and lost. cloudHQ offers real-time data protection and backups of all your data in the cloud.
✔ Backup all mail, OneDrive, and sharepoint accounts
✔ Backup your own OneDrive Business
✔ More...
Sync and Migrate to Microsoft 365
Even if your organization might be using one primary cloud platform like Microsoft 365, your employees, partners, and clients will use other cloud apps: Dropbox for sharing with clients, Salesforce for CRM, etc. cloudHQ will sync and integrate all these cloud apps and storage services.
On other hand, you might need to migrate large amount of data from other cloud services such as Dropbox, Box, etc.
- cloudHQ will sync and integrate all these cloud apps and storage services with your Microsoft 365 OneDrive and SharePoint accounts
- cloudHQ provides fast reliable migration solutions without any interuption to your business