FastMail Mail
FastMail Mail - Backup and Consolidate - cloudHQ
Empty service

FastMail is an excellent email application that predates Gmail. It's a very popular choice for anyone looking for an alternative to Google Apps email.

FastMail was acquired by Opera in 2010. But in 2013, FastMail employees repurchased the company, returning it to independent ownership.

Benefits of FastMail include:

  1. Email, calendar, and contacts
  2. No ads
  3. Superior Privacy
  4. Support (including live phone support)
  5. An excellent mobile app

For some organizations, archiving email files is more than just a best-practice, it's the law. For example, in the finacial industry, your archive history must have all your files "preserved exclusively in a non-rewritable and non-erasable format" (Source: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission).

Using cloudHQ, you can automatically create an archive folder for your FastMail email accounts in: Dropbox, Box, Sharepoint, Amazon S3, or another cloud storage provider. With an automatic backup, you'll never need to remember how to "create" an archive file every week or every month.; it'll simply automatically be archived as you (and your employees) continue your everyday work. If these regulations apply to you, make sure to read our previous article on the Golden Rules for Archive Storage.

Here are 2 Major Benefits of Using cloudHQ:

  1. All your important documents you receive via your personal or business FastMail account are immediatelly saved to the cloud storage of your choice.
  2. cloudHQ can also convert your Fastmail emails into PDF format, and continuously upload them to your cloud storage. This is an excellent way to archive an important conversation in a format which is easily printable and viewable.

As an added bonus, your data is confidential because we use state of the art security protocols. We insist on maintaining multiple levels of security to protect and backup your files.

We already sync over 10,000,000 files a day, so join the “bring your own service” revolution and start syncing your data now!