Gmail Box - Export and backup attachments - cloudHQ
About Google Gmail
Google Gmail is an email service provided by Google. It is the most popular email services in the world with more than 500 milion users.

And cloudHQ can sync and backup your Google Gmail with any other cloud application or storage. For example, you can backup all your Gmail email messages to Google Drive. Or you can setup Gmail label sharing or migratation.

About Box
Box is an online file sharing and personal cloud content management service for businesses. The main strength of Box is their security and excellent support for business.

And thanks to cloudHQ you can do so much more with Box. For example, cloudHQ can integrate your Box accounts (or all Box accounts used in your company) with Evernote, Gmail, Google Drive, etc. Or you can make your Box account as your "backup location" for all your cloud accounts.

As an added bonus, your data is confidential because we use state of the art security protocols. We insist on maintaining multiple levels of security to protect and backup your files.

We already sync over 10,000,000 files a day, so join the “bring your own service” revolution and start syncing your data now!